A few of my recent projects are highlighted below:
AaaP: as a Project
My learnings on building this very site as a technology project. Choosing GitHub Pages, Jekyll, a theme, and the dozens of pitfalls along the way.
Check out my discussion here:
Learning to Code on a Bone-Stock Chromebook
For the past month or so, I’ve been coding and doing some small development projects: learning Python, setting this Jekyll-based GitHub Pages personal site up, etc. And all of this has been taking place on a completely bone-stock, stable channel Samsung Chromebook Pro.
My adventures learning to code while jumping through all the hoops of doing so on a completely stock Chromebook:
NYC MTA Subway Arrival Python Script
As a part of my OneMonth coursework, I decided to see if I could create a script that could access the New York City MTA subway real-time API. This a basic python script that reads the NYC MTA realtime feed API for subway data and outputs when the next arrival is for a given station. It was created as an self-directed educational exercise to build something from scratch and hopefully you might find it useful too!