Overdue updates, updates, updates!

Whew! A lot has changed!

Both personally and with this site!

In personal news, earlier this year I made the jump from product management in healthcare technology into product management at the intersection of data science, media, and television. I need to update a bunch of content on the site, but more on that later.

In website news, GitHub finally rolled out HTTPS support earlier this month. It’s been a long requested feature, and given that Google’s made HTTPS a factor in PageRank, couldn’t come soon enough. Anyway, I’ve since jumped on board and have enabled Enforced HTTPS. There was a bit of site tweaking that needed to be done to resolve formatting and mixed content issues, but I think most of that has been taken care of.

And in more news, I’ve managed to get ahold of the anthonynguyen.com domain—no more .digital suffix!

In terms of next projects, things include migrating the site over to that domain, possibly updating the Minimal Mistakes theme, finding a new solution for the now deprecated Google reCaptcha v1 service (ugh—there’s no obvious MailHide replacement! sorry that it’s broken, I’ll need a new way to list my email here), and maybe, just maybe get this Javascript rotating banners thing worked out. :sweat_smile:

ps - technically, you can still get past the MailHide reCaptcha check to contact me, either try clicking on the Reveal email address button a few times with no entry, or try putting in the entire phrase, reCAPTCHA V1 IS SHUTDOWN into the text prompt! :grimacing:


